24th workshop on electromagnetic induction in the Earth Denmark, Helsingør 13-20 августа 2018 Организаторы - IAGA Division VI Сайт - https://emiw2018.emiw.org/ Масштаб мероприятия – 54 устных и 283 стендовых докладов, разделённых на 8 секций Стран-участников: >20 От ЦГЭМИ ИФЗ РАН приняли участие Варенцов И.М., Иванов П.В. и Кругляков М. с докладами: Ivanov P.V., Astapenko V.N., Goev A.G., Leonov M.G., Pushkarev P.Yu., Varentsov Iv.M., SMO-LENSK WG. The deep structure of the triple junction of the East European Platform's seg-ments based on MT and seismological data. S4.1-P478. Ivannikova E., Kruglyakov M., Kuvshinov A., Rastätter L., Pulkkinen A. An approach to coupling geospace and regional 3D EM induction modelling. Kruglyakov M., Kuvshinov A. Three-dimensional EM forward modelling using high-order integral equation method. Kruglyakov M., Kuvshinov A. Towards 3D EM modelling using integral equations approach and curvilinear meshes. Kruglyakov M., Kuvshinov A. 3D inversion of MT impedances and inter-site tensors, jointly and separately: Some lessons learnt. Kulikov V., Zaytsev S., Aleksanova E., Varentsov Iv., Lozovsky I., Shustov N., Yakovlev A. Resistivity image of Baryatinskaya crustal high-conductive anomaly based on the results of array MT survey. S3.1-P333. Lozovsky I.N., Varentsov Iv.M., Börner R.-U. The effect of anomalous magnetic permeability on MT data at the northwestern slope of the Voronezh Massif. S2.1-P268. Varentsov Iv.M., Bai D., Ivanov P.V., Kumar S., Li X., Lozovsky I.N., Walia D. First results of new simultaneous MT/MV soundings in the Eastern Tibet and SE India. S4.1-P429.